Give the world the best of you, instead of what is left of you.

The story behind Resonant Recharge.


to make sound.


Hi, I’m Tini & I have a confession to make.

As a recovering workaholic, one of the most difficult things for me to learn was how to rest intentionally.

When I left the corporate world to start my creative studio in 2021, I was burnt-out, depressed from personal grievances I was experiencing, and seriously miserable with the person I had become. Always overstimulated. Always quick to react. Always exhausted.

I didn’t even want to be around me anymore. How could anyone else?

In the many months that followed, I turned to yoga and meditation as a means of reconnecting with myself. Becoming self-aware. Sitting with those emotions I was too busy avoiding with work to process previously. Learning to just be instead of longing to achieve.

It was on this journey that I discovered the incredible power of sound. The first time I meditated with a Tibetan singing bowl, I was absolutely blown away by how easy and deep the resonance took me. I no longer had to fight to quiet my mind, it drifted effortlessly into the abyss of resonating singing bowls - the doorway to my most transformational healing.

Hi, I’m Tini, and I have a confession to make.

As a recovering workaholic, one of the most difficult things for me to learn was how to rest intentionally.

When I left the corporate world to start my creative studio in 2021, I was burnt-out, depressed from personal grievances I was experiencing, and seriously miserable with the person I had become. Always overstimulated. Always quick to react. Always exhausted.

I didn’t even want to be around me anymore. How could anyone else?

In the many months that followed, I turned to yoga and meditation as a means of reconnecting with myself. Becoming self-aware. Sitting with those emotions I was too busy avoiding with work to process previously. Learning to just be instead of longing to achieve.

It was on this journey that I discovered the incredible power of sound. The first time I meditated with a Tibetan singing bowl, I was absolutely blown away by how easy and deep the resonance took me. I no longer had to fight to quiet my mind, it drifted effortlessly into the abyss of resonating singing bowls - the doorway to my most transformational healing.

Disconnecting from the noise.

We live in a world that doesn’t really make it a priority to unplug and tune out all the noise that’s being thrown our way. And the deeper I got into my healing journey, the more I experienced this overwhelming sense of guilt about being the person behind the scenes helping to create all that racket.

“I’ve done all this work to journey inward, to quiet my mind and really learn to make myself a priority - is all that noise really helping to build the world I wish to see?

Spoiler alert, it wasn’t. While it lead me to fine tune the voices I chose to amplify, I still felt this calling to bring the power of sound to the communities around me. To help build the world I actually did want to live in.

Holding space for the pause.

I long to see a world that prioritizes mental health over making a buck. A world that encourages us to slow down instead of running ragged in the chaos of life. A world that allows us the space to recharge our own batteries so that we can give the absolute best version of ourselves to our loved ones… to our work places… to our communities.

I founded Resonant Recharge to hold that space for others after personally experiencing the transformational power of the pause for myself. Resonant Recharge is a space that empowers you to disconnect from the constant noise of the world. A space to prioritize yourself and bear witness to the fact that you are your own most powerful healer. A space where even the most novice of meditators can just listen and be taken on a journey to restoration and self-discovery.